Sunday, March 30, 2014

Build Early Literacy Skills with Storyblocks

 Did you know, the simple act of singing a song or reciting a rhyme to your child will help them build early literacy skills?

In fact, parents can do so many simple things to help children build these vital skills even before they begin Kindergarten. If you would like to learn more, we recommend the website Storyblocks.

Storyblocks contains short video clips that model songs, rhymes and finger plays for parents to share with their children. Each video also includes a helpful tip to increase parents' understanding of early literacy needs. Storyblocks was created by the Colorado Libraries For Early Literacy.

In addition, parents are invited to attend Lullaby Together Time on April 11th with their children, ages birth to 17 months. Come and learn songs, rhymes, and calming finger plays to help little ones get ready for a nap or bedtime. Also enjoy 20 minutes of play with age-appropriate toys. Click here to register now.